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Check out what past racers have said about the Lake Tahoe Marathon...

Andrew Mitchell (2004) - Bib #580

“Les, Just wanted to take a second and say thanks for a great event. This was my first Triple, and the experience was fantastic. The run itself was amazing,the views and the terrain were phenomenal. Even better than the course was the atmosphere. The other runners and their support teams were the best. My crew had such a good time that they have all already volunteered to come back with me next year (thankfully I want to do it again, I would be in trouble if I didn't). 


Although I think I had the best crew out there (I might be biased), I received help from everyone's crews. My heartfelt thanks to all the other runners and their crews for their support and encouragement. My congratulations to everyone who ran, you are all truly incredible athletes. ”

Steve & Paula Boone


On behalf of the 50 States Marathon Club, we would like to express our appreciation for the hard work you, your staff, and volunteers put into the events this year.  For those of us who ran the Triple, the marathons will be etched in our memories because of all the new friends we made and all the hills we climbed. Thanks again."


"I thought the idea of the buffet before the Triple meeting was a great idea. There was an excellent variety of food and it all tasted great. Again, it was a great running and learning experience for me and I look forward to doing it again next year.  Keep up the good work."

Phil Perrone

“Thanks for a great three days.  You run a class A event and consider everything to make it enjoyable for everyone. Race time becomes insignificant when you consider the company and the scenery. Running the triple allowed me to accomplish a goal my family and friends all said could be done.  One friend even gave me last rights the week before the race.  I told them I was just one crazy among a group of crazies. Thanks Again.”

Stacey - Bib #617


I'm not the most emotional person in the world but when I hit mile 20 on the third day of the triple, looked at the most spectacular view of the lake on my left, and realized that I had run around the entire lake, I got kind of choked up. What can I say - running the triple was an experience of a lifetime.


I came in VERY nervous. Met you briefly at the expo of the chronicle and got the impression that you thought I had no idea what I was getting myself into (and you were right...). Then at the pre-race dinner on Wednesday night I was sitting at a table with a bunch of 50-staters. At home my 11 (well, now 14) marathons makes me a superstar. At my table, the person with the second least number of marathons had run 168. My nerves went into pre-race overdrive.


What else can I say - this run was the most physically and mentally challenging thing I have ever done in my life. I woke up on the third day with severe pain in my calf (Austin called me gimpy at the start line b/c I tried to run and just couldn't). But somehow I was able to pull through and keep going. (I'm babbling here). What made it so great - the challenge, the scenery, the runners, everyone's amazing support crews...


Anyway, my point is that I had a great weekend. Going from the kid who was picked last in gym class to someone who can run 79 miles in a weekend with hills and altitude is quite an accomplishment - I've been on such a high all week. There were a few treacherous traffic points but otherwise, two thumbs up.So, I could go on forever and ever about my weekend (my poor friends and coworkers are so bored listening to me) but I guess I should end it here. Had fun, and even made it out of the race with all ten toenails and no blisters. Maybe I'm cut out for this ultra-thing. Thanks again.

Kris Stevens, Syndey/Victoria, BC

"Hello Les and Ultra Marathon Staff!


I just wanted to write a brief note to let you know that I truly did have an experience of a lifetime completing the 3 Stage Ultra!  After weeks and months of worrying about completing three marathons in a row I can't believe I did it... and am feeling so strong!  The other Ultra Marathoners gave so much support and encouragement, especially the last day! 


Thanks ever so much for allowing me the opportunity to gain so much confidence in my Marathoning abilities!  From start to finish the camaraderie among the 'Ultras' was amazing, something I have never felt before while doing a regular marathon.  Thanks again for the best marathon adventure I have done to date!  It will certainly be hard to find another marathon that can compare with the overall sense of accomplishment!  Please pass on a special thanks to Marty, Angell and Edward Kelly!  They were super!

Cheers and happy Marathoning!"

Larry Preston - Bib #141


Thank you, Marty and Angell for a great job of getting us around the Lake,  Getting to run through Inspiration Point twice was the highlight of the weekend for me, breath taking and definitely awe inspiring!  Many thanks to all the crew members for the their support and encouragement along the way (especially from my running buddy crew, Jim and Shawna.  Great Job!). 


I really had a great time and experience and would recommend it to anyone who wants to reach out and see how far they can go. Standing on the beach Sunday and looking around the Lake at what I had accomplished, will be something I will never forget. It will keep me running through the long, winter days ahead until next year,  when I can do it all over again. Wonderful race and job well done! "

John Dovala - Bib #526

"By the way, the Triple was a blast.    I soaked in the lake after day 3 and took a long gaze at the shoreline around the lake.  It was a great feeling to know I ran around the whole thing!  I'm thinking I just might be back next year.   


Spencer Nelson - Bib #742


Thanks to all your crew and yourself for the great

experience at the triple.  It was an incrediblymajestic, tough, and heartwarming experience/course, and the most awesome place I have ever run.  The 4 ofus "flatlanders" from Illinois had the best time andwere extremely challenged.  We will never forget theexperience you've provided us.  Congrats to allfinishers.... you're heroes to me!"

Tom Adair - Bib #501, Alpharetta, GA

"Dear Les,

Thanks for a beautiful weekend.

The Tahoe Triple run was a super event.


I love every minute of the run. 

Again, thanks for a great weekend."

Mark Groner



My heart goes out to everyone that finished the triple this year.  I was a spectator for the first time after running the previous two years.  The passion that I saw in everyone and determination was great.  I want to congratulate  all and I will see everyone again this coming year.  To my dad that ran his best time, outstanding performance.  He has inspired me once again to take on this difficult event next year."

Russell Secker - Bib #758


Many, many thanks to you & your team (most especially to the wonderful &ever patient Austin Angell) for putting on such a great event last week. Aunique, tough & unforgettable experience in my life, without question.


Rubbing shoulders with your top athletes (Sean, Alex, Jeff and Gretchen) wasa remarkable privilege - I never cease to be impressed by the capability,humility and drive of folks like these.I'd recommend to anyone in good shape & injury-free (certainly not to thefaint-hearted or to whiners! they should stay home). Hope to make it backnext year."

Dave Cunningham


I had a fantastic time doing the 3-day Ultra. The concept and the coursewere remarkable. I would compare it to some other past racing experiencebut the whole event was completely unique. It was also great to make newfriends among the other runners and their crews. As I told Marty at thefinish line, don't change anything for next year. The event had the perfectmix of organization and "roughness" that makes ultra running so much fun. Iam already counting the days until next year's race.


Thanks again for a great time"


"Fantastic event...thanks to all who support and help... a must run for all runners."

Sean Meissner


I really had a wonderful time at your first Ultra 3 Day Stage Race. As I told Marty, it was the most incredible running experience of my life so far. I think it was well organized, and all of the other ultra runners I talked to seemed to enjoy themselves, as well."


"Les... Thank you for all the effort and time on the 3 day event. From now on whenever I see a map of Lake Tahoe there will be a little extra smile because of this event. I had a great time and will be back next year."

Ronald Kageyama



I ran the 3 day ultra and I just wanted to thank everyone for what turned out to be the one of the most incredible experiences of my life. Everyone involved was so nice and helpful, and there was a camaraderie amongst the runners that I've never felt before. It was great to also get to know the other runner's support groups, which you never get a chance to do. My wife Naomi, who was my support "team", really enjoyed helping out the other runners with Gatorade, cookies, etc. At least that's what she told me. I especially wanted to thank Marty for all of his hard work. It did not go unnoticed.


Thanks again and hopefully I'll be recovered in time for next year"

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